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Assessment Info

Please find information about the Age Related Expectations for each year group - these are based on the National Curriculum for core subjects. This information was originally shared in the Autumn Term. Curriculum Information can be found on the page linked below. There are class curriculum newsletters (shared termly) and subject overviews so you can see what we teach and when.
At each Parent Consultation meeting, you will have had an update about how your child is doing against these expectations. Your child's end of year report then summarises how well your child has been doing against the objectives.
We continue to notice the impact of the pandemic, and this is reflected in what children have been able to cover this year. It is to be expected that we will need to continue to 'recover' from the extensive disruption of school closures for some time to come. 
As always, we continue to provide tailored support for children - whether that is catch-up work or extension work. If you have a query or question about your child, please speak with their class teacher. You can arrange a phone call or meeting through the school office, or catch them at collection time.
We continue to be proud of your child's achievements - both academic and socio-emotional. Please do celebrate with them and acknowledge the hard work they have put in to their learning!
Age Related Expectation Documents: