We have places available in our Nursery for September. Please do get in touch if you're interested! | Check out our Facebook page for the latest updates |


Welcome to the EYFS Curriculum Page. Here you will find the Termly Curriculum Newsletters for Parents. They outline the topics, themes and learning foci for each Term. They are updated at the start of each term.
Children in the Early Years (EYFS) follow a curriculum that uses the interests of the children to shape their learning. We use the EYFS Framework to guide and structure their learning over the Nursery and Reception year, helping us to assess next steps and make decisions about how to help your child succeed.
The classroom environment constantly changes to reflect the children's next steps and interests as the children learn through play and adult supported activities. All children are introduced to phonics through a systematic and comprehensive programme, tailored to our school, to help them get started on their reading and writing journey. We use a range of practical equipment to build on their knowledge of number and shape.
The outside learning spaces change to reflect the learning foci inside, enabling a different place to learn and explore. We recognise some children love being outside (just as some prefer to be indoors!), and are out every day (whatever the weather). A vast array of learning resources, play equipment and tools are used to create opportunities for learning outdoors - all alongside our commitment to Forest School for all pupils in EYFS.
Assessment is ongoing, used daily to influence the questions and learning experiences we set up for the children. Summary assessments are made half termly, and progress closely tracked. We involve parents in this process, and encourage them to contribute through 'Tapestry' - our online Learning Journal. We share updates frequently with parents, at least termly but often more regularly through the informal 'chats' at the door.