We have places available in our Nursery for September. Please do get in touch if you're interested! | Check out our Facebook page for the latest updates |

Our School

All Saints is a popular one-form entry school in the north of Bishops Stortford town, catering for children aged 3-11. We serve the community by providing a high standard of academic and pastoral care. There are seven classrooms in the main school plus a purpose built nursery unit. The school is fortunate to have a large main hall, dining hall, library, smaller purpose built teaching rooms and an extensive playing field.

If you are interested in seeing the school in action with a view to choosing our school for your child, please ring the school office to arrange an appointment.

Founded in the 1850s by the Church of England, the school was part of the CofE Hockerill Teacher Training College (closed in 1970s and now the site of Hockerill Anglo-European College). The separate boys' and girls' schools closed in the early 1960s when the current combined school was built on its present site in Parsonage Lane. For a short time during the building work we shared a site with Summercroft Primary School - who we still enjoy good links with.
Children attend from across Bishops Stortford and further afield, with families from all faiths and none (we are for everyone!). In December 2017 Ofsted conducted a short inspection which confirmed we continue to provide a GOOD quality of education with OUTSTANDING care for our pupils.

Our parents are a very supportive, active group, often helping out in class or supporting the PTA at fundraising events. Over the last year, this group raised much needed funds to support the many activities we like to share with our children. Our biggest community event is the annual Summer Fete, which last year raised over £3500 towards school initiatives.

As a Voluntary Aided Church of England Primary School, we have strong links with our parish - All Saints, Hockerill. The clergy visit school regularly to enrich our Collective Worship and learning. We are also fortunate to have good links with other faith communities, who also visit the school to enrich our learning and understanding.


Recent improvements to our school have included introducing Forest School, improved IT equipment, improved playground facilities, refurbishment of a quiet garden and outdoor learning area, introducing pupil-led music in our collective worship time, and we are currently working on a project to make our electricity use self-sufficient. A school building is never finished, constantly changing to meet the ever changing needs of the pupils that come to our school. Watch this space as we embark on our next projects to make the school a great place to learn (and teach!).