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Collective Worship

"First of all, my child, worship and adore God, think of Him magnificently." - William Law

Collective Worship at All Saints is very much part of our daily school life. It is an opportunity for for all to learn, worship and grow spiritually. For us, it is more than simply a statutory duty.

Collective Worship is carefully and thoughtfully planned, centered on our school values and expressed through stories, drama, music, singing, reflection, prayer, sharing and celebrating. Although firmly Christian in nature, we recognise that not all children and staff have a Christian faith. We aim to make it inclusive and offer a shared space for reflection and spiritual growth where our communities grow together in love and respect.

Parents do have the right to withdraw their children from Collective Worship, but are invited to discuss any concerns with our Headteacher before making a decision to do this.

We have developed a full policy for Collective Worship. You can download it from the link below, and it is found on our main School Policies page:
Organisation of Collective Worship in Our School
An act of Collective Worship is held daily, though it may involve the whole school or smaller class/key stage groups meeting together.
We have established a weekly pattern to provide a range of opportunities for worship together:
Whole school collective worship focusing on a Christian value, linked to the focus value for the half term. This is led by the Headteacher, or sometimes by our parish priest. At least once per half term, our Worship Leaders pupil group meet, plan and lead an act of Collective Worship for the whole school.
Pupils hold collective worship in their own class, using a stimulus (questions, music, object, reading, artwork etc.) to reflect and respond to the focus value.
Whole school Singing Praise - an opportunity to learn songs and listen to other music, including a short reflective prayer. Songs and music are linked to the focus value.
Pupils hold collective worship in Key Stage groupings (EYFS, KS1, KS2), led on rotation by staff or pupils in those groups.
Whole school joins together for Celebration Praise - an opportunity to reflect on the week, celebrate achievements and share learning. Led by the Headteacher, parents are also invited to Merit Presentations.